Drilling Australia ®
This project team is focussed on drilling ranging from jack ups to semi-subs and drilling vessels. Each team member has at least 30 years experience in this part of the industry in a range of countries and is seasoned in all aspects.

Careers in drilling
For careers in drilling please send us an email with a copy of your CV, CoC, AMSA Medical, MSIC, Bosiet, HUET and any other relevant document.
In the subject line of your email state your full name, CoC and the position you are pursuiing; e.g Peter Jones, BSc, Well eng
Operational reviews
If you are a company and your facing operational challenges or have a specific need that cannot be solved internally please contac us by phone or email.
We have undertaken subcontractor reviews, equipment assessment, 3rd party tender submissions, local content assistance and crewing solutions
Dispute Resolution
As nationally (IAMA) accredited mediators and having expertise in this industry we have been involved a number of successful resolutions.
Whether it is a subcontractor performance matter, Industrial Relation matter or commercial difference please contact us.
So far all our cases were settled satisfactory.