Below are some of the projects our team worked on. Being a small company allows us to react fast and resolve matters time after time. We help our clients and its employees succeed, save significant sums of money and enhance reputations to the satisfaction of all stakeholders involved - that's what excites us.

AAD Icebreaker - Linnhoff Schiffahrt Meyerwerft OA
We tendered for the new AAD Icebreaker. Our consortium consisted of (1) Linnhoff as experience vessel manager running government vessels incl German Icebreakers and Research Vessels, (2) the superb Meyerwerft as the builder of excellent top quality vessels combined with (3) the proven quality system of the top German brand car manufacturer and (4) with strong operational know how of the Aurora Australis ops. It was a huge achievement to draw such high quality consortium together. For reasons beyond us we just could not win this one, in due course a parliamental inquiry might show why. Anyway, the winning design looked very familiar - that in itself is the greatest acknowledgement.
Recruitment - Technical / Vessel / Project Management Positions
This was the first high spec DP vessel to work in the new contract configuration for the Australian Government. Our team managed to locate a number of top quality individuals capable of managing the newbuild of such advanced vessel. We get a kick out of happy stakeholders. Talent spotting the right guys for the right project is a thrill and we have been able to do that for a number of great companies in great projects - Gorgon, Wheatstone, Ichtys, Melbourne Channel Deepening amongst a few. Winners all over.

WICET Queensland - Muhibbah
Muhibbah is a listed major engineering conglomorate based in Malaysia. The task for our team members was to bring a 50 year old Jack Up Barge into Australia to build the new Wicett coal terminal jetty. Our team had the privilege to work alongside some of Muhibbah's most talented managers to come up with an efficient working jack up barge and crew customised to Australian standards and requirements. The result: a good working ju barge and dedicated crew and a successful organization which has now proven it understands and can work very well in Australia.
Haypoint Extension Qld - DOF Management Australia Pty Ltd
This was the first DOF vessel to work in Australia. The project was brough forward by 6 months which presented some huge challenges. Our team managed to get all EBA's over the line within 3 weeks, get the vessel ready, approved for Australia and within the required time. Only after the vessel started working did we realise that we pulled off the impossible. The key to success? A seamless cooperation between unions, DOF, stakeholders and ourselves. We realized why DOF had chosen to go with a small consulting firm over the usual big ones. Choosing us allowed them an efficient and informal approach. We took the challenge head on and are delighted with the results!

Sydney Desal Plant - 1500mm Dual Firing Line - McConnell Dowell
Working with McConnell Dowell was a great experience. Their old subcontractor was not as focused as they should have been and the project came to a halt. We were called in and resolved the Industrial Relation issues within 1a night and the next day we were assigned to look after the critical crew for the rest of the project. The project finished without a single industrial relation issue and to the satisfaction of the client. This was the first dual layed pipeline in the world and a rather big one; two 1500mm diameter pipelines.

Sydney Desal Plant - 1500mm Dual Firing Line - McConnell Dowell
Working with McConnell Dowell was a great experience. Their old subcontractor was not as focused as they should have been and the project came to a halt. We were called in and resolved the Industrial Relation issues within 1a night and the next day we were assigned to look after the critical crew for the rest of the project. The project finished without a single industrial relation issue and to the satisfaction of the client. This was the first dual layed pipeline in the world and a rather big one; two 1500mm diameter pipelines.
DP Rockdumping - DI
This vessel operation was stopped by ongoing industrial relation issues. The client called us on a Friday at 7pm to recruit a new fresh mind-set on. Within days, the work place became a happy place again, the project accelerated, finished on time and the reputation of our Client was saved. Our team had the privilege to work alongside some of the client's top staff who had the courage to trust our concept. The result: a stunning success resulting in a major repeat contract in Australia and the company is now able to repeat our concept succesfuly by themselves - winners all over.
DP Rockdumping - DI
This vessel operation was stopped by ongoing industrial relation issues. The client called us on a Friday at 7pm to recruit a new fresh mind-set on. Within days, the work place became a happy place again, the project accelerated, finished on time and the reputation of our Client was saved. Our team had the privilege to work alongside some of the client's top staff who had the courage to trust our concept. The result: a stunning success resulting in a major repeat contract in Australia and the company is now able to repeat our concept succesfuly by themselves - winners all over.

Pilotage Australia - Port of Melbourne Pilotage
We were approached by a large shipping company to start a new pilotage service in the Port of melbourne in 2014. we had our first pilot on board in 2015 only to be stopped by a combination of forces beyond our control. This matter is now investigated by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission and pending an outcome.
It will be interesting reading who blocked this Pilotage company.

Pilotage Australia - Port of Melbourne Pilotage
We were approached by a large shipping company to start a new pilotage service in the Port of melbourne in 2014. we had our first pilot on board in 2015 only to be stopped by a combination of forces beyond our control. This matter is now investigated by the Australian Consumer and Competition Commission and pending an outcome.
It will be interesting reading who blocked this Pilotage company.
For a Singapore Company we set up, purchased, modified and ran the charter business with 5 sailing vessels. The yachts were deployed around the beautiful Ionian Islands (Greece) and customer satisfaction was extremely high.
The company on-sold the vessels and it was an extremely educational experience to operate in Greece

International Consortium - Offshore Wind & Natural Resources
Since 2017 we have been writing strategic intelligence reports for international renewables operators & financiers on the progress of Wind Solar and H2 in Australia & resource developments in PNG.
If you are interested in this region or in targeting the Star of the South project please contact
Vessel Brokerage
Offshore Australia pty Ltd was the sole broker for the purchase/sale/charter of a JU, AHTSV, DSV and PSV for a range of (satisfied) parties. We also were the sole agent for Eddy Tugs, a superb innovative tug
We hope that the O&G market will soon reach its boom times again as even progressive innovative companies as e.g. Bourbon have been struggling.

Vessel Deliveries - Luxury Sailing Yachts & Luxury Motor Yachts
Since 2016 due to the declining O&G markets we re-focused on thriving industries and have executed a number of vessel deliveries and project mobilisations for sailing & luxury motor yachts 44' upwards to 120' in the Med.
For further details and service deliveries please contact
For an Asian Consortium we undertook the due diligence, audit and design and execution of the subsequent PMS for their Luxury Motor Yacht. Part of the scope was the familiarization and training of the new crew.
The new owner is realistic and a pleasure to work with.

Since 2006, OA has been assisting international clients since 2008 on the improvement of Port Operations. We undertook operational reviews of small and medium size Ports such as Sohar (Oman), Thessaloniki (Greece), and a range of Australian Ports (Esperance, Bing Bong & Port Latta amongst others)
We specialize in Port Service Provider efficiency and IT/IS/AI integration to improve Port efficiency. We also provide input in simulation for optimum port & terminal design and towage/mooring systems
Due to an aging Australian work force and population we continue to focus on international workforce solutions through our network of international sources.
The future of HR in Australia is to provide the most satisfactory work environment so both clients and staff can thrive to create a long term sustainable future

OA has been assisting international clients on the improvement of Port Operations & Capacity Optimisation.
The fall-out of Covid and subsequent measures have seriously disrupted supply chains and this will continue to have a shock effect for years to come, regional conflicts do not help either. At least the crisis has turned the fortunes around for a number of segments in shipping albeit at the expense of the consumer.